金を上手く回す かねをうまくまわす to invest one's money profitably
上手く: → うまく 上手くいく: 上手くいく うまくいく to have peaceful relations 優しく回す: roll ~ gently〔~を〕 資金を~に回す: divert funds to 金を回す: lend one's money out はしを上手に使う: use chopsticks skillfully 余暇を上手に使う: employ one's leisure time wisely 字を上手に書く: write in a good [beautiful] hand 琴を上手に弾く: be a good koto player 英文を上手に書く: write English well 馬を上手に操る: manage a horse 公金を私用に回す: divert public money into one's own pocket 計画に金を回す: channel money into a project 2本のはしを上手に使う: manipulate a pair of chopsticks のこぎりを上手に使う: saw well