- boost the disposal of nonperforming loans held by financial institutions
不良債権処理を促進する: promote the disposal of nonperforming loans
銀行の不良債権処理を促進する: expedite write-offs of nonperforming bank loans
金融機関の不良債権を処理する: deal with the bad loans of financial institutions
金融機関の不良債権処理の加速化: acceleration of disposal of the nonperforming loans held by financial institutions
金融機関の不良債権: 1. bad loans held by financial institutions 2. bad loans of financial institutions
金融機関の不良債権問題: problem of nonperforming loans besetting financial institutions
巨額の不良債権の処理: disposal of massive amount of bad [nonperforming] loans
不良債権の処理を先送りする: 1. delay the write-off of bad loans 2. put off the tough decision to clear up bad loans
金融機関の不良債権問題の解決する: resolve NPLs problems of financial institutions
金融機関の膨大な不良債権を処理する: dispose of huge nonperforming claims of the financial institutions
不良債権の帳消しを促進する: accelerate bad-debt write-offs
不良債権の処理: 1. bad-loan write-off 2. disposal [disposing] of bad [nonperforming] loans 3. disposal of bad debt 4. disposition of bank nonperforming loans
不良債権売却を促進する: promote the sale of nonperforming loans to〔~への〕
不良債権の処理を進めれば: with progress in disposition of bad loans
金融機関による不良債権処理の問題: issue of the disposal of nonperforming loans by financial institutions