1. delay the write-off of bad loans 2. put off the tough decision to clear up bad loans
不良債権処理を先送りにする: put off disposal of the bad loans 不良債権問題処理を先送りにする: procrastinate on one's bad loan troubles 不良債権処理の目標を先送りする: postpone a goal to write off bad debts 不良債権の解消を先送りにする: postpone the elimination of bad loans 不良債権の最終処理を先延ばしにする: delay the final settlement of bad loans 不良債権の処理: 1. bad-loan write-off 2. disposal [disposing] of bad [nonperforming] loans 3. disposal of bad debt 4. disposition of bank nonperforming loans 金融機関保有の不良債権の処理を促進する: boost the disposal of nonperforming loans held by financial institutions 不良債権の処理を進めれば: with progress in disposition of bad loans 不良債権の処理に苦しむ: be burdened by nonperforming loans 巨額の不良債権の処理: disposal of massive amount of bad [nonperforming] loans 民間企業が抱える不良債権の処理を行う: deal with the corporate debts held by private companies 不良債権の抜本処理を支援する: facilitate the radical disposal of bad loans 不良債権の最終処理を支援する: support final disposal of NPLs 債務処理を先送りにする: put off debt disposal 不良債権処理を促進する: promote the disposal of nonperforming loans