- stretch out over a long period of time
長い期間にわたって: over long periods of time
そんなに長い期間にわたって: for so long a period
十分な長い期間にわたって: over a period of time sufficiently long to〔~するのに〕
_週間にわたって続く: last for up to __ weeks〔効果が〕
数分から数時間にわたって続く: last for several minutes to several hours
査察を長期間にわたって続ける: continue the inspections over the long term
長期間にわたって: 1. for a prolonged period 2. over a long duration 3. over an extended time period 4. over the long haul 5. over the long term
ある期間にわたって: over a period of time
一定期間にわたって: 1. for a given period of time 2. over a fixed period of time 3. over a period
不況の全期間にわたって: over the full course of the slump
_年の期間にわたって: for a term of __ years
その国の経済成長は、今後もかなりの期間にわたって続きそうだ。: The country's economic growth will continue for a considerable period of time in the future.
1年間にわたって: over the entire year
1時間にわたって: 1. over a period of one hour 2. over one hour
1週間にわたって: over a period of a week