The financial engineer put the deal together for the customer.
顧客の注文に応じて金融パッケージを用意する: tailor-make a financial package for one's customer 金融エンジニア: financial engineer 注文に応じて: to order ~の注文に応じる: fill [meet] someone's order for〔人の〕 注文に応じて作る: 【他動】 custom-make 注文に応じて~を作る: make ~ to order 注文を受諾しかつその注文に応じる: accept and fill someone's orders〔人の〕 取引をまとめる 1: 1. close [clinch] a deal 2. finalize a deal 3. orchestrate the operation 取引をまとめる 2 1. arrange a deal with 2. strike a deal (with)〔~と〕 取引をまとめる 3 bargain with someone about a transaction〔人と〕 商取引をまとめる: close a business deal 旧価格で(人)の注文に応じる: fill one's order at someone's old prices 最近の取引をどうまとめたか: how someone structured the latest deals〔人が〕 顧客の要求に応じて: in response to customers' request 取引をまとめあげる: 1. complete a deal 2. put the deal together 簡単な取引をまとめる: cement an easy deal その巨大企業との取引をうまくまとめる: sew up a deal with the huge company