raise productivity to levels matching the high wages
生産性を上げる: increase productivity bに見合ったレベルにまでaを引き上げる: boost A to a level concomitant with B 基準に見合う: measure up to ~ standards〔~の〕 標準に見合う: match the standard 高い基準に見合う: measure up to the high standards 世界最先端のit国家にふさわしい水準にまで~を引き上げる: bring ~ up to a level befitting a leading-edge IT nation of the world 水準を上げる: 1. increase the level of 2. raise the level (of)〔~の〕 払った金に見合うもの: money's worth 日本全体の労働者の賃金水準を上げる: raise the general level of wages for all workers in Japan 生産を上げる: 1. boost (up) (the) production 2. hike up output 3. push up production 4. rev up production 単位当たり土地生産性を押し上げる: push productivity per unit of land 国内企業の生産性を押し上げる: boost the productivity of domestic firms 日本の年間経済成長率を_%水準にまで引き下げる: drag down Japan's annual economic growth rate to the __% level 投資で生産性を高める: raise productivity through investment in〔~への〕 1ドル_円の水準にまで: to the \__-to-the-dollar level