いっそう楽しい経路: pleasanter route (主語のおかげで)~できるようになる: equip someone to この花のおかげで本当に楽しい日になりました: These flowers have really made my day. (主語)のおかげでたくさんの楽しい思い出がよみがえってくる: bring back many pleasant memories (主語のおかげで)(人が)~の称賛の的となる: earn someone admiration of (主語)のおかげで~の荷が軽くなる: take the burden off ~のおかげで: 1. by grace of 2. by virtue of 3. due to 4. owing to 5. thankful that 6. thanks to 7. under favor of 8. with the aid [assistance, help] of ~のおかげで。 It's thanks to ~のおかげで。: It's thanks to ~のおかげで 1. by grace of 2. by virtue of 3. due to 4. owing to 5. thankful that 6. thanks to 7. under favor of 8. with the aid [assistance, help] of (主語)のおかげで~が徐々に減る: cause [bring about, lead to, result in] a gradual decline in 国内政局は(主語)にとって厳しいものになる: face a difficult domestic political situation このおかげで: このおかげで because of this thanks to this due to this 神のおかげで: Deo gratias〔 【略】 D.G〕 (主語)が原因で選考が極めて難しいものになる: make the choice extremely difficult (主語)のために選考が極めて難しいものになる: make the choice extremely difficult 素晴らしいものになる: be made even better by〔~によってますます〕