issue that someone has asked someone to address〔人が〕
自ら抱えている問題に取り組む: grapple with the issues one has 絶えざる問題に取り組む: address the persistent problems 起こる問題に取り組む: tackle the problem posed by〔~によって〕 関する問題に取り組む: 1. address questions concerning 2. address the issue of 3. tackle the problem of〔~に〕 関係する問題に取り組む: work on issues related to〔~に〕 関連する問題に取り組む: work on issues related to〔~に〕 ~に取り組むように強要する: compel someone to come up with〔人に〕 先進国が直面する問題に取り組む: address the problems faced by developed countries 名誉と尊厳にかかわる問題に取り組む: address issues related to the honor and dignity of〔~の〕 国境を越える問題に取り組む: deal with transnational issues 国際社会が直面する問題に取り組む: address the problems that global society faces 対話を通じて~に関する問題に取り組む: address through dialogue issues involving 民族紛争の根底にある問題に取り組む: address the underlying causes of ethnic conflicts 環境ホルモンに関する問題に取り組む: fight problems related to endocrine disruptors 関連する問題や政策に取り組む: address problems and policies related to〔~に〕