(人)よりも~の発生率が_%高い: have a __% higher incidence rate of ~ than ~よりも_%安い: be __% cheaper than 健康だ 1: feel (quite) oneself 健康だ 2 be fit and well〔~は〕 ~よりも_倍広い: have __ times more space than 自分は幸せで健康だと(人)に伝える: tell someone that one is happy and healthy (人)よりも一日に_時間ほど長く眠る: sleep approximately __ hours longer than someone per day 何よりも(人)のために: most importantly for the sake of (人)よりも優れた人: better person than (人)よりも立派な人: better person than ~よりも(人)を喜ばせる: give someone more pleasure than ~よりも_倍の頻度で: __ times as often as ~よりも_分早く着く: get there __ minutes faster than 何よりも健康を重んじる: value health above everything else ほかの誰よりも(人)が好きだ: like someone better than any of others (人)よりも優れている: show someone up