21世紀の日本: Japan in the 21st century 21世紀の日本社会: Japanese society in the 21st century _世紀の日常着: daily clothing worn in the __th century 21世紀の日本の行方を握ると考えられる: be regarded as being a turning point for Japan in the 21st century 日本での暮らしになじむ: adapt to Japanese life 人々の暮らし: people's livelihood 日々の暮らし: daily life 農民の暮らし: 1. farmer's life 2. peasant life 土地の人の日常の暮らしに融け込む: blend in with the community's normal routine 21世紀の日本をリードしていく: lead a 21st century Japan 21世紀の日本を引っ張っていく: lead a 21st century Japan 21世紀の日本新生の礎を築く: lay the foundation for a newborn Japan in the 21st century _世紀の大半: much of the __th century _世紀の教訓: lessons of the __th century の暮らしに耐える: stomach living with〔人と〕