約_人が死亡したとみられる: About __ people were feared dead. 死亡したとみられる: 1. be feared dead 2. be presumed dead ある人物が犠牲にされ罰せられる。: Somebody is thrown to the wolves and is punished. 大勢の人が犠牲になる: claim many lives 独立心が犠牲になる: cost someone his independence〔人の〕 自立心が犠牲になる: cost someone his independence〔人の〕 自分が犠牲になって(人)に最大の便益を与える: give someone the full benefit in sacrifice on one's part 死者_人以上を出す大惨事となった地震: a devastating earthquake killed more than __ people 公式文書とみられる書類: official-looking document 概して成功とみられる: be generally considered a success 虐待とみられる傷がある: have several scars that were believed to had been inflicted 家庭生活の多くが犠牲になる: miss a whole lot of one's family life 家族との暮らしの多くが犠牲になる: miss a whole lot of one's family life 民間人が犠牲になることの容認: acceptable civilian casualties ローラは都市の悪の犠牲になった: Lola fell prey to the evils of the city.