- have someone's many ups and downs in〔人生?事業などで〕
~で(人)がひどい浮き沈みを経験する: have someone's huge ups and downs in〔人生?事業などで〕
~で(人)が劇的な浮き沈みを経験する: have someone's dramatic ups and downs in〔人生?事業などで〕
~で(人)が急激な浮き沈みを経験する: have someone's steep ups and downs in〔人生?事業などで〕
~で(人)が極端な浮き沈みを経験する: have someone's extreme ups and downs in〔人生?事業などで〕
~で(人)が緩やかな浮き沈みを経験する: have someone's moderate ups and downs in〔人生?事業などで〕
浮き沈みを経験する 1: suffer vicissitudes 浮き沈みを経験する 2 have ups and downs〔 【用法】 have (the [one's]) ups and downs〕〔人生?事業などにおいて〕
人生の浮き沈みを体験する: experience the ups and downs of life
人気の浮き沈み: popular fortune
人生の浮き沈み 1: 1. ebb and flow of life 2. ups and downs of life 3. vagaries of life 4. vicissitudes of life 人生の浮き沈み 2 inconsistency of someone's lot [life]〔人の〕
景気の浮き沈み: economic swing
運命の浮き沈み: ebb and flow of fortune
人生の浮き沈みを柳に風と受け流す: take life's ups and downs in stride
浮き沈みする: sink and float
長い人生の浮き沈み: vicissitudes of someone's long career〔人の〕
痛みを経験する: go through the pain of〔~の〕