have illusions that someone is going to be able to do ~ in a perfectly clean manner〔人が〕
という幻想を抱く: cherish the illusion that〔that以下〕 という幻想を抱いている: labor under the illusion that〔that以下〕 公平な方法で: 1. in an equitable way 2. in an impartial manner 難攻不落の大陸防衛線に守られた安全性という幻想を抱く: embrace the illusion of security behind the impregnable lines of a continental defense ~(that以下)という幻想を抱いてはならない。: 1. Nobody should be under any illusion that 2. Nobody should have any illusions that より公平な方法で: in a more fair way という幻想を密かに持つ: secretly fantasize that〔that以下〕 という妄想を抱く: 1. get the idea into one's head that 2. have the idea that〔that以下〕 幻想を抱く 1: 1. harbor the illusion 2. have an illusion 幻想を抱く 2 1. embrace the illusion of 2. have [see] a vision (of)〔~という〕 _回を完ぺきに抑える: pitch a perfect __th inning《野球》 完ぺきな方法: perfect way 性的幻想を抱く: have a sexual fantasy 自分の臓器が腐っているという妄想を抱く: have the delusion that one's organs are rotting 勝利を収めたのだという幻想をもたらす: generate an illusion of triumph 死傷者なしの戦闘という幻想を打ち砕く: shatter the illusion of casualty-free battles