日米間の対話を強化する: enhance the Japan-U.S. dialogue ~間の対話を促進する: promote dialogue between ~間の対話を容易にする: facilitate dialogue between ~間の対話を推進する: promote dialogue between ~間の対話を支持する: support dialogue between ~間の対話を最も重視する: attach the greatest importance to the dialogue between ~間の対話を組織する: organize dialogue between ~間の対話を調整する: coordinate dialogue between ~間の対話を増やす: increase dialogue between ~間の対話を育てる: foster the dialogue between ~間の対話を進める: 1. promote dialogue between 2. promote expanded dialogue between 不正行為への対策を実施する: implement countermeasures against unlawful acts 関係国間の対話を推進する: promote dialogues among countries concerned ~間の対話を通じた協力を拡大する: expand cooperation through dialogue between 人間の安全保障計画を実施する: implement one's own human security programs