

    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. There are no commercial or profit goals for the Achenbaum Institute.
  2. In 1987, Achenbaum was elected to the Market Research Hall of Fame.
  3. Achenbaum ( 88 ) is retired from professional work.
  4. Achenbaum Bogda Associates, a consulting company in New York, has been hired to help manage the review, Johnston said.
  5. In addition to his work as a practitioner, Achenbaum was an adjunct professor of marketing at the Baruch College of the City University of New York.


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  6. "achene"の例文
  7. "achenes"の例文
  8. "achenese"の例文
  9. "acheng"の例文
  10. "acheng district"の例文
  11. "achenbach"の例文
  12. "achenbach house"の例文
  13. "achene"の例文
  14. "achenes"の例文

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