

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. A feud began when Storm reacted by spitting in Daniels'Appletini drink.
  2. How is a nectarini made-it's referred to as a harder alternative to an appletini on"
  3. Pour margarita mixture over cube and serve .-- Adapted from www . cdkitchen . com APPLETINI Serves 4 | ||
  4. For a Sour Appletini, combine Rose's Sour Apple mixer with an equal amount of vodka ( or gin ) and pour into a martini glass.
  5. Jack Sparks, bar manager of Spike in Dallas, says the appletini still sells pretty well, but he's scratching his head over a new trend : the French martini.


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  2. "appletalk session protocol"の例文
  3. "appletalk transaction protocol"の例文
  4. "applethorpe farm"の例文
  5. "applethwaite"の例文
  6. "appletinis"の例文
  7. "appletiser"の例文
  8. "appleton"の例文
  9. "appleton academy"の例文
  10. "appleton and company"の例文
  11. "applethorpe farm"の例文
  12. "applethwaite"の例文
  13. "appletinis"の例文
  14. "appletiser"の例文

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