

  1. The Sikhs worships in the Gurudwara and Hindus have a Balmik Mandir.
  2. Most of these carry its history back to Balmik, as the ancestor of the tribe.
  3. The only temple being used for worship by a small presently existing Hindu population is the Balmik temple.
  4. The strength of SC community is more than 80 % out of the total population of the village . There have five Gurudwaras named Gurudwara Baba Sunder Das Ji, Gurdwara Baba Nath Ji, Gurudwara Guru Ravidas Ji, Gurdwara Baba Shahidan, GurdwaraDurgiana Sahib and a " Shiv Mander " where worshipped by all Hindus community,'BalmikMander'for the Balmik community, situated at the residential area of the village.


  1. "balmhof"の例文
  2. "balmhorn"の例文
  3. "balmi river"の例文
  4. "balmier"の例文
  5. "balmiest"の例文
  6. "balmiki"の例文
  7. "balminess"の例文
  8. "balminesses"の例文
  9. "balming"の例文
  10. "balminil"の例文
  11. "balmier"の例文
  12. "balmiest"の例文
  13. "balmiki"の例文
  14. "balminess"の例文

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