

  1. Instead I managed to set the size 16 comparadun sulfur down lightly just out of my sight.
  2. After a number of refusals, I lengthened my leader and finally changed to a Comparadun devised by the Catskill angler Al Caucci for the selective trout of the Delaware.
  3. When I talked to Stevens later, he told me that he did, indeed, take several fish on comparadun sulfurs in the last half-hour of fishing, between 8 and 8 : 30 p . m ., in a calm stretch just below a riffle.


  1. "comparables"の例文
  2. "comparably"の例文
  3. "comparably efficient interconnection"の例文
  4. "comparada"の例文
  5. "comparado"の例文
  6. "comparaison"の例文
  7. "comparametric"の例文
  8. "comparametric equation"の例文
  9. "comparand"の例文
  10. "comparanda"の例文
  11. "comparada"の例文
  12. "comparado"の例文
  13. "comparaison"の例文
  14. "comparametric"の例文

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