- The fact would be missed if the comparanda of the Uralic family included as primary data the " de-graded " states of Finnish, Estonian, and Lapp.
- Continental Germanic comparanda for the name include a feminine " Penta " ( 9th century ) and a toponym " Penti-lingen ", suggesting an underlying personal name " Pendi ".
- The comparanda used for translating Tartessian by Koch in Celtic From The West, Tartessian 2 and Celtic From the West 2 are the oldest attested forms of the Celtic languages concerned not Medieval Irish as was claimed by one editor for example he uses Oghamic ( " Primitive " ) Irish then Old Irish if this is not available likewise with the other Celtic languages.
- Further evidence for Den? Yeniseian is in Vajda's 2013a article " Vestigial possessive morphology in Na-Dene and Yeniseian . " Vajda presents comparanda for an ancient Dene-Yeniseian possessive connector prefix ( possibly * K ) that appears in idiosyncratic ways in Dene ( or Athabaskan ), Eyak, Tlingit, and Yeniseian nouns, postpositions, directionals, and demonstratives.