

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4
  1. A preliminary autopsy report said Reina Corbalan died by strangling.
  2. We know that Reina Corbalan deceased, and we are awaiting further information from police authorities,
  3. Reina Corbalan, 59, taught law at Morelos Autonomous University for more than two decades.
  4. The Morelos state attorney general's office in a news release identified the victim only as Luis Reina Corbalan.
  5. Reina Corbalan, 59, a native of Argentina, had taught law at Morelos Autonomous University for more than two decades.


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  9. "corbaloc"の例文
  10. "corban"の例文
  11. "corbais"の例文
  12. "corbal"の例文
  13. "corbalengi stone"の例文
  14. "corbaley"の例文

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