

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. This is analogous to the homology of families Lie groups stabilizing.
  2. In fact, the whole K鋒ler package extends to intersection homology.
  3. This shows approximately 30 % homology with the EGF precursor gene.
  4. Taubes has shown that it is isomorphic to embedded contact homology.
  5. Within these two viruses is a sequence homology of 95 %.


  1. "homological mirror symmetry"の例文
  2. "homological properties"の例文
  3. "homological stability"の例文
  4. "homologically"の例文
  5. "homologically trivial"の例文
  6. "homologist"の例文
  7. "homologization"の例文
  8. "homologize"の例文
  9. "homologized"の例文
  10. "homologizes"の例文
  11. "homologically"の例文
  12. "homologically trivial"の例文
  13. "homologist"の例文
  14. "homologization"の例文

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