

  1. The selectivity of the hydrozirconation of alkynes has been studied in detail.
  2. Computational studies indicate that hydrozirconation occurs from the interior portion.
  3. One example of a one-pot hydrozirconation-carbonylation-coupling is depicted below:
  4. The rate of addition to unsaturated carbon-carbon bonds is terminal alkyne > terminal alkene H " internal alkyne > disubstituted alkene Acyl complexes can be generated by insertion of CO into the C Zr bond resulting from hydrozirconation.


  1. "hydroxyzine hydrochlorides"の例文
  2. "hydroxyzines"の例文
  3. "hydrozagadka"の例文
  4. "hydrozide"の例文
  5. "hydrozincite"の例文
  6. "hydrozoa"の例文
  7. "hydrozoan"の例文
  8. "hydrozoan medusae"の例文
  9. "hydrozoans"の例文
  10. "hydrozoas"の例文
  11. "hydrozide"の例文
  12. "hydrozincite"の例文
  13. "hydrozoa"の例文
  14. "hydrozoan"の例文

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