

    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. Leibniz's calculus ratiocinator, which resembles De Morgan began that logic in 1847.
  2. This algebra would include rules for symbolic manipulation, what he called a " calculus ratiocinator ".
  3. Wiener used the term in reference to " calculus ratiocinator ", a calculating machine constructed by Leibniz.
  4. All have Timothy Hutton as Archie Goodwin, who does all the legwork, and Maury Chaykin as the portly ratiocinator.
  5. Hence the " characteristic ", " calculus ratiocinator ", and encyclopedia form three pillars of Leibniz's project.


  1. "ratiocinating"の例文
  2. "ratiocinatio"の例文
  3. "ratiocination"の例文
  4. "ratiocinations"の例文
  5. "ratiocinative"の例文
  6. "ratiocinators"の例文
  7. "ratioed"の例文
  8. "ratioing"の例文
  9. "ratioless"の例文
  10. "ratiometer"の例文
  11. "ratiocinations"の例文
  12. "ratiocinative"の例文
  13. "ratiocinators"の例文
  14. "ratioed"の例文

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