

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. Esco was awarded in 2014 Singapore Prestige Brand Award ( SPBA ) for establishing its brand internationally.
  2. He earned a 5-0 record in the Senior Professional Baseball Association ( SPBA ) in late.
  3. When he was signed by the Montreal Expos on December 11, he became the first SPBA player to sign with an MLB club.
  4. In recognition of Esco s contribution, Esco has won Singapore Prestige Brand Awards ( SPBA ) Regional Brand consecutively in 2014, 2015, and 2016.
  5. In 1990, he played for the Florida Tropics of the SPBA . He played in 18 games, hit two home runs and drove in nine runs.


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  11. "spb software"の例文
  12. "spb tv"の例文
  13. "spbc"の例文
  14. "spbi"の例文

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