

  1. Robert Louis Stevenson has recently become a popular school for Primary will be constructing a new School Campus in the Village of Tafaigata to be closer to the Secondary Campus.
  2. "' Gerd Suhren "'( 16 May 1914, in Tafaigata, Samoa  6 May 1991 in Bonn ), was a German U-boat engineer ( " Ingenieur-Ing . " ) in World War II and older brother of Fregattenkapit鋘 and Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords recipient Reinhard Suhren.


  1. "tafadzwa madondo"の例文
  2. "tafadzwa mufambisi"の例文
  3. "tafahi"の例文
  4. "tafahi island"の例文
  5. "tafai ioasa"の例文
  6. "tafaj"の例文
  7. "tafall"の例文
  8. "tafalla"の例文
  9. "tafalofefe hospital"の例文
  10. "tafamidis"の例文
  11. "tafahi island"の例文
  12. "tafai ioasa"の例文
  13. "tafaj"の例文
  14. "tafall"の例文

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