

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6
  1. 6, Sami Uotila, Finland, 1 : 20.50.
  2. Uotila had a total time of 2 minutes, 25.19 seconds.
  3. Kraatz married Finnish ice dancer Maikki Uotila on June 19, 2004 in Helsinki, Finland.
  4. He edged Finland's Sami Uotila in a race that is not part of the World Cup circuit.
  5. Sami Uotila of Finland finished in 2 : 40.67 for third place, his best career showing.


  1. "uot"の例文
  2. "uota"の例文
  3. "uota ale"の例文
  4. "uotani"の例文
  5. "uoti"の例文
  6. "uotinen"の例文
  7. "uotsuri"の例文
  8. "uotsuri jima"の例文
  9. "uottawa"の例文
  10. "uov"の例文
  11. "uotani"の例文
  12. "uoti"の例文
  13. "uotinen"の例文
  14. "uotsuri"の例文

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