

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. He laid the foundations for the Yerushalmi ( Jerusalem Talmud ).
  2. If anything, that worked against her, " said Yerushalmi.
  3. And Rina Yerushalmi, who directs, deserves high praise.
  4. So there is absolutely no way of connecting David Yerushalmi to Newt.
  5. As he left the scene, Yerushalmi shook his head.


  1. "yerusalimka"の例文
  2. "yerushalaim"の例文
  3. "yerushalaim shel zahav"の例文
  4. "yerushalayim"の例文
  5. "yerushalayim shel zahav"の例文
  6. "yerushalmim"の例文
  7. "yerusksew legssey tura"の例文
  8. "yeruslan"の例文
  9. "yeruslan lazarevich"の例文
  10. "yeruslan river"の例文
  11. "yerushalayim"の例文
  12. "yerushalayim shel zahav"の例文
  13. "yerushalmim"の例文
  14. "yerusksew legssey tura"の例文

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