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  • In Aspergillus nidulans, the TEA domain protein ABAA regulates the differentiation of conidiophores.
  • Nor do any of the Biblio, Alibris, or ABAA websites list any copies.
  • He was the president of the Southern California Chapter of the ABAA in 2012 and 2013.
  • The rhyming pattern is ABAA-ABAA-CBCC . The Epistle is dated 14 December 1771.
  • The rhyming pattern is ABAA-ABAA-CBCC . The Epistle is dated 14 December 1771.
  • Today, the Antiquarian Booksellers'Association of America ( ABAA ) is the primary organization of the trade in the United States.
  • The "'Antiquarian Booksellers'Association of America "'( ABAA ) is an organization in the United States for dealers in rare and antiquarian books.
  • In his poem " Dodes sonitt all'abaa Giovan ", Carlo Porta remembered her : " ?in tra i donn la Milesi, la Legnana " ( " Among the women, Milesi, Legnana " ).
  • Biblio . com announced a joint three-way agreement with Bibliopolis, LLC and Antiquarian Booksellers'Association of America ( ABAA ) in April 2009, to provide a new e-commerce site for ABAA members and their books.
  • Biblio . com announced a joint three-way agreement with Bibliopolis, LLC and Antiquarian Booksellers'Association of America ( ABAA ) in April 2009, to provide a new e-commerce site for ABAA members and their books.
  • She has served as President of the Association of Black American Ambassadors ( ABAA ), and as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Washington Institute of Foreign Affairs, the Foreign Affairs Council, and the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training.
  • In recent years, scholarships to CABS have been provided not only by ABAA ( Woodburn Scholarships ) but also by AbeBooks, Biblio . com, Bibliopolis, IOBA Independent Online Booksellers Association, and the Rocky Mountain Antiquarian Booksellers Association ( RMABA ) as well as by the faculty themselves.
  • As a member of the government delegation for ending the 4-year civil war in Djibouti, I contributed to the development, negotiation and the conclusion of the historical agreement called the ABAA agreement of 26 December 1994, that restored fraternity between the people of Djibouti and brought renewed peace and stability to the country.
  • Since 1980, nearly 3, 000 persons have attended the Seminar, which throughout its existence has had the strong support of the Antiquarian Booksellers'Association of America ( ABAA ) : CABS board and faculty members over the years have included ABAA Presidents Thomas E . Congalton, Edwin V . Glaser, Michael Ginsberg, Bernard M . Rosenthal, Robert Rulon-Miller Jr, John Thomson, and others.
  • Since 1980, nearly 3, 000 persons have attended the Seminar, which throughout its existence has had the strong support of the Antiquarian Booksellers'Association of America ( ABAA ) : CABS board and faculty members over the years have included ABAA Presidents Thomas E . Congalton, Edwin V . Glaser, Michael Ginsberg, Bernard M . Rosenthal, Robert Rulon-Miller Jr, John Thomson, and others.