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  • annotated lengjia jing (lankavatara sutra ), volume 1
    註楞伽経 巻第一
  • the following annotated versions have been published:
  • he wrote the annotated dracula , the essential frankenstein
  • an annotated edition of yonghui lu .
  • (refer to the new iwanami bunko version , corrected and annotated by yaoko mizuno )
    (参照:岩波文庫新版 水野弥穂子校注)
  • " 万国公法釋義 " annotated by cáo tíngjié (1901 ) is a typical example .
  • " brief commentary on busso rekidai tsusai " - annotated book by dochu mujaku
    『仏祖歴代通載略釈』 - 無著道忠撰の、注解書
  • an annotated edition is available from kodansha gakujutsu bunko (academic library , kodansha ltd .) .
  • " amayo gatari " (revised and annotated by yukio cho ), < iwanami bunko > , iwanami shoten , 1984
    『雨夜譚』(長幸男:校注)<岩波文庫> 岩波書店、1984年
  • a complete annotated edition of the anthology by miyoko iwasa was published by kasama shoin , as well as gyokuyo shu .
  • also , some of the translations into present-day japanese or the annotated books differ in the order of the volumes .
  • " shobogenzo zuimonki: new annotated edition " commentary by doshu okubo . sankibo buddhist books , 1958 .
    『正法眼蔵随聞記 新校註解』(大久保道舟校註.山喜房仏書林,1958年)
  • his main work includes " manyoshu hekiansho " (an annotated edition of the manyoshu ) and " shunyoshu " (an anthology ).
  • in 1978 , it was published from the toyo bunko (oriental library ) (heibonsha limited , publishers ) after revised and annotated by yutaka hayashi .
    1978年 林裕校注で東洋文庫 (平凡社)で出版
  • the complete annotated japanese translation (edited and written by yasuharu kobayashi ) has been published in the kodansha gakujutsu bunko series .
  • today , the most widely used text of the 10-volume book is " senchu wamyo ruijusho " revised and annotated by ekisai kariya .
  • the works which were annotated or presented by a lecturer were mostly chinese classics , buddhist literature , and a part of national literature .
  • an annotated edition of the ming medical book ' hachijuichinankyo ' was published in ichijodani , using the wood block printing technique .
  • ajisukitakahiko-no-mikoto and tagirihime-no-mikoto are listed in the " tokusen-shinmyocho " annotated edition of the engishiki shrine name book .
  • in 1343 , he annotated " ken jodo shinjitsu kyogyosho monrui " (selected passages revealing the true teaching , practice and attainment of the pure land ).
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3