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  • Also, a devoicing diacritic may be added to the approximant.
  • Nearly all languages with such lateral obstruents also have the approximant.
  • The approximant / w / is a voiced labial-velar.
  • The approximant is likewise nasalized before nasalized vowels, and elsewhere.
  • Generally, the southern is realized as the voiced approximant.
  • His doctoral thesis described what is now known as the Pad?approximant.
  • Matlab, GNU Octave, and SciPy all use the Pad?approximant.
  • The approximant is never written before any of " ".
  • The retroflex approximant may also be realised as a flap.
  • In phonetic transcriptions, it is usually represented by the retroflex approximant.
  • Elsewhere, it becomes a lateral approximant'l '.
  • The realization before varies between an approximant and a weakly fricated approximant.
  • The realization before varies between an approximant and a weakly fricated approximant.
  • The nasal stop sometimes has incomplete closure, producing a nasalized approximant.
  • Currently, e is a redirect to Labialized palatal approximant.
  • In articulation and often diachronically, rhotic approximant corresponds to the rhotic vowel.
  • In Italian, the gli ", represents the palatal lateral approximant.
  • As a consonant, it represents the palatal approximant.
  • The retroflex lateral approximant contrasts phonemically with its Toda.
  • The close front unrounded vowel is the vocalic equivalent of the palatal approximant.
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