- Alzheimer's disease patients with constructional apraxia have unique symptoms.
- The left hand also showed signs of severe ideomotor apraxia.
- Both manual and oral apraxia were related to increasing severity of stroke.
- The encoded protein may play a role in ataxia-ocular apraxia.
- Urinary incontinence and gait apraxia are also not uncommon findings.
- Dr . Strangelove apparently suffers from diagnostic apraxia ( alien hand syndrome ).
- Cogan occulomotor apraxia is a rare disorder of development.
- The nonlinguistic skills tested include drawing, calculation, block design and apraxia.
- The two most striking consequences of PPC damage are apraxia and hemispatial neglect.
- The speed and accuracy of grasping objects also appears unaffected by ideomotor apraxia.
- The concept of apraxia was shaped by Hugo Liepmann about a hundred years ago.
- Ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 2 ( AOA2 ) has its onset during adolescence.
- Oral apraxia was related with an increase in age at the time of the stroke.
- One of the defining symptoms of ideomotor apraxia is the inability to pantomime tool use.
- In 1972, he published his first book, Aphasia, Apraxia, and Agnosia.
- Oculomotor apraxia can be acquired or congenital.
- Constructional apraxia is common after right parietal stroke and it continues after visuospatial symptoms have subsided.
- In this study, constructional apraxia patients drew patterns usually found in children 8 and younger.
- Treatment of acquired apraxia due to stroke usually consists of physical, occupational, and speech therapy.
- Golightly was born with apraxia, a disorder that made speech difficult for her as a toddler.