- It is indexed in Academic Search Complete, MLA International Bibliography, Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies, Book Review Index, ArticleFirst, Periodicals Index Online, ProQuest Research Library, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, and Web of Science.
- "Philosophy Today " is abstracted and indexed in Academic ASAP, Academic Search Complete, ArticleFirst, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Catholic Periodical and Literature Index, FRANCIS, International Philosophical Bibliography ( Repertoire bibliographique de la philosophie ), MLA International Bibliography, Periodicals Index Online, The Philosopher's Index, Philosophy Research Index, PhilPapers, ProQuest 5000, and Scopus.
- The journal is abstracted and indexed in ABC-Clio / America History and Life; ABI / Inform; Cabell's Directory; EBSCO ( Business Source Corporate, Business Source Elite, Business Source Premier ); Historical Abstracts; IBSS ( International Bibliography of the Social Sciences ); IBZ ( International Bibliography of Periodical Literature ); Journal of Economic Literature ( Econlit ); K . G . Saur Verlag; OCLC ArticleFirst Database and OCLC FirstSearch Electronic Collections Online; Scopus; Swets Information Services; and Thomson Gale.