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  • These distinctions are primarily of concern to auxlang designers and supporters.
  • A traditional, western auxlang can be somewhat immediately intelligible to its target audience; a worldlang typically will not be.
  • Yes, the way it looks now it is too simple ( and too auxlang-oriented ) and definitely deserves refining.
  • More recently there has been a trend, on the AUXLANG mailing list and on the more recently founded worldlang mailing list, to greater collaboration between various proponents of a more globally based auxlang.
  • More recently there has been a trend, on the AUXLANG mailing list and on the more recently founded worldlang mailing list, to greater collaboration between various proponents of a more globally based auxlang.
  • There are plenty of languages that are both artlang and engelang, auxlang and engelang, artlang and fictlang, etc . Not even too mention those to tried to justify their artlangs by calling them auxlangs.
  • Don Harlow posted a message to the Auxlang List on 5 August 2006, mentioning its appearance in the " CSS Cookbook " from O'Reilly by Christopher Schmitt, and in templates of webpages which implement CSS.
  • Because of its rather large vocabulary for an auxlang ( as of August 2014, the full Sambahsa-English dictionary contained more than 15000 entries ), it is difficult to assess the share of each language in Sambahsa's eclectic wordstock.
  • Subsequently, much criticism has been focused either on the artificiality of these auxlangs, However, probably the most common criticism is that a constructed auxlang is unnecessary because natural languages such as English are already in wide use as auxlangs and work well enough for that purpose.
  • Criticisms directed against Esperanto and other early auxiliary languages in the late 19th century included the idea that different races have sufficiently different speech organs that an international language might work locally in Europe, but hardly worldwide, and the prediction that if adopted, such an auxlang would rapidly break up into local dialects.
  • On the newsgroup " alt . language . artificial " and in the auxlang mailing group ( both of which I frequent ) "'nobody "'thinks Ceqli is too minor to consider in an encyclopedia article; the only opposition to having Ceqli on Wikipedia stems from the position that "'Wikipedia "'is a dilettantist endeavor.