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  • felt the flash of cold , nerves at last awake
    一瞬 冷たさを感じた 神経がついに目覚めた瞬間だ
  • but you're awake now . time to wake up , goony bird !
  • you wanted to know when trip was awake . yes .
  • he's awake . thank you . the last thing i remember
    ありがとう 最後に覚えているのは...
  • it's that feeling of falling you get that jolts you awake .
  • when i was awake , with the camera around my neck .
    起きている間は カメラを首にかけ
  • oh , no , please stay awake , saoirse , please .
    目を覚まして。 シアーシャ、 お願いだから。
  • mr . kiddaf was awake and aiming for pacifica
  • is there a chance he will never awake again ?
    そのまま目が覚めない って事はないんですか?
  • eva's awake . i asked her who she was meeting at that hotel .
  • all right , then , i'll help you stay awake .
    わかりました じゃあなたが 眠らないお手伝いをします
  • i wish she'd be this quiet when she's awake .
    起きてるときも これくらい 静かだといいんだけどな。
  • drugs that force us to stay awake all the time .
  • um , everyone , are you still awake ? yes .
    あの~皆さん まだ 起きていらっしゃいますよねぇ?ええ。
  • imagine having a nightmare while you're awake .
    目が覚めている間に悪夢を 見ると想像してください
  • [who ] is awake and can even monitor the treatment .
  • usually , dante can't stay awake late and goes to bed at 11
  • do you lie awake at night fearing my gash ?
    あなたは私の溝が怖くて 夜、目を覚ましますか?
  • sugimurasan , you're awake now too . are you all right ?
    ああ杉村さんも起きた 大丈夫?
  • why are you all awake , it's past your bed times .
    何で起きるの 子供の時間は終わり
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3