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  • These included : Miss Balmford's home in High Street, The Masonic Hall in Paisley.
  • Balmford was quoted as saying that the strongest argument to protect nature is " moral, cultural and philosophical ".
  • Balmford stated that it is important that the value for money of a conservation project should be taken into account as well as the number of threatened species in the region.
  • After part-time study at Sheffield School of Art, Martin won a scholarship to the Royal College of Art in 1929-32, where he met Mary Balmford ( 1907 1969 ).
  • In 1607 Balmford published " Carpenter's Chippes, or Simple Tokens of unfeined good will to the Christian friends of J . B ., the poor Carpenter's sonne ."
  • In 2009, a paper that Balmford co-authored was published in " Science " that found that the benefits gained from PLoS Biology " found that between 1992 and 2006, the overall number of visitors to 280 protected areas in 20 countries had increased.
  • Balmford is also the author of " A Shorte Catechisme summarily comprizing the principal points of the Christian faith ", London, 1607, and of " A Short Dialogue concerning the Plagues Infection ", 1603, dedicated by Balmford to his parishioners at St Olave's, Southwark.
  • Balmford is also the author of " A Shorte Catechisme summarily comprizing the principal points of the Christian faith ", London, 1607, and of " A Short Dialogue concerning the Plagues Infection ", 1603, dedicated by Balmford to his parishioners at St Olave's, Southwark.
  • He was briefly considered by the " conformist " faction for a post to succeed the non-conformist Samuel Balmford in the English church in the Hague, but rejected because his command of English and Dutch was seen to be lacking and it was not certain where Rulicius stood in conformist and non-conformist contention.