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  • The Unix philosophy favors composability as opposed to monolithic design.
  • In Simulation Theory, current literature distinguishes between Composability of Models and Interoperability of Simulation.
  • Composability ensures the consistent representation of truth in all participating simulation systems of the federation.
  • The service composability principle advocates designing services so that they can be composed in various ways.
  • From the early ideas of Harkrider and Lunceford, simulation composability has been studied in more detail.
  • It is internally simple, its power leveraged by the composability of a small command language and extensibility through shell integration.
  • During the development of various LVC-IA environments, attempts to understand the foundational elements of integration, composability and interoperability emerged.
  • The service composability principle provides design considerations that help towards designing composable services with a view to encourage service reuse as much as possible.
  • To do so, services should be produced with several design qualities, such as composability, loose-coupling, autonomy, data representation standardization.
  • The computation model of universal composability is that of interactive Turing machines that can activate each other by writing on each other's communication tapes.
  • A LVC-IA is dependent on the Interoperability and Composability attributes, not just the technical aspects, but the social or cultural aspects as well.
  • Petty and Weisel formulated the current working definition : " Composability is the capability to select and assemble simulation components in various combinations into simulation systems to satisfy specific user requirements.
  • Petty and Weisel distinguish between the idea of " interoperability ", coping with the technical challenges, and " composability ", dealing with modeling issues.
  • As captured, among others, by Tolk, successful interoperation of solutions of LVC components requires " integratability of infrastructures, interoperability of systems, and composability of models ".
  • Following the ideas derived from the Levels of Conceptual Interoperability model ( LCIM ), Composability addresses the model challenges on higher levels, interoperability deals with simulation implementation issues, and integratability with network questions.
  • The defining characteristic of composability is the ability to combine and recombine components into different simulation systems for different purposes . " A recent U . S . Department of Defense; many of its findings have much broader applicability.
  • During an ACM SIGSIM and SCS sponsored expert discussion during the SCS Spring Simulation Multiconference in San Diego, CA, on April 11, 2013, Professor Tolk addressed Composability as a Grand Challenge of Modeling & Simulation when we are thinking about M & S and Cloud-based Simulation.
  • The SM4All project aims at studying and developing an innovative middleware platform for inter-working of smart embedded services in immersive and personcentric environments, through the use of composability and semantic techniques, in order to guarantee dynamicity, dependability and scalability, while preserving the privacy and security of the platform and its users.
  • Page et al . suggest defining "'Integratability "'contending with the physical / technical realms of connections between systems, which include hardware and firmware, protocols, networks, etc ., "'Interoperability "'contending with the software and implementation details of interoperations; this includes exchange of data elements via interfaces, the use of middleware, mapping to common information exchange models, etc ., and "'Composability "'contending with the alignment of issues on the modeling level.