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  • it's not compressed , so it might take a minute .
  • of compressed clay blocks from gando .
    壁は すべて圧縮されたガンド地元の 泥レンガが用いられています
  • and as matter and energy are compressed to a point ...
    物質とエネルギーの 圧縮が進み
  • the 10foot long cylinder of compressed ice crystals
  • and yes , every single one of you stretched and compressed
    そう ここにいる全員が
  • similarly compressed oxygen and other medical supplies
  • but now we have a compressed nitrogen cannon .
    しかし今は 圧縮窒素を用いた カノン砲があります
  • in helvetica compressed , extra compressed
    ヘルベチカ・コンプレス エクストラコンプレス —
  • in helvetica compressed , extra compressed
    ヘルベチカ・コンプレス エクストラコンプレス —
  • his ribs were compressed too tight for too long .
    ろっ骨が長時間 強い力で圧迫された
  • and ultra compressed , this rigid 18unit system
    ウルトラコンプレスの デザインでは 18ユニットの
  • it's a cd , it's a little bit more compressed image .
    cdですが もう少し圧縮されたものです
  • and , particularly , how when they're compressed together
  • and as matter and energy are compressed to a point
    物質とエネルギーの 圧縮が進み
  • it's a cd , it's a little bit more compressed image .
    CDですが もう少し圧縮されたものです
  • carry 12 tanks each of compressed helium .
  • that they were actually being compressed from the side .
  • having said that , it works with compressed nitrogen .
    それはさて置き この装置は圧縮酸素を使用します
  • pretty compressed , at least when you play on the keyboard
  • is it some sort of compressed micro tech ? or actually , forget it .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3