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  • The next predominant school of thought in normative ethics is consequentialism.
  • The son of the British Kantian deontological ethics with utilitarian consequentialism.
  • Varieties of consequentialism can be differentiated by the beneficiary of the good consequences.
  • More broadly, utilitarian theories are examples of Consequentialism.
  • Notably, the term " consequentialism " was first defined in this paper.
  • :: I would categorize Utilitarianism as applied Consequentialism.
  • Externalism comes in two ways : antecedentalism and consequentialism.
  • Negative utilitarianism is thus a form of negative consequentialism.
  • Attempts have been made to reconcile deontology with virtue-based ethics and consequentialism.
  • It results in an approach to ethics which combines deontology, consequentialism and virtue ethics.
  • Stronger versions of negative consequentialism will require active intervention to prevent bad and ameliorate existing harm.
  • For Price, right and wrong belong to actions in themselves, and he rejects consequentialism.
  • Mills noted that consequentialism does not merely expect that the consequences to one entity is determined.
  • Process ethics, Palmer argues, is closer to individualist consequentialism than individualist deontological environmental ethics.
  • Agent-neutral consequentialism ignores the specific value a state of affairs has for any particular agent.
  • The " material wealth " of Mohist consequentialism refers to state outweigh the consequences of individual actions.
  • Smart's combination of the preference theory with consequentialism is sometimes called " preference utilitarianism ".
  • The final portion of the book analyzes consequentialism within the scope of normative ethics and deontological ethics.
  • Some themes of the novel are ethics, consequentialism, religion and morality, and animal human relationships.
  • There are number of secular value frameworks, such as consequentialism, freethought, humanism, and utilitarianism.
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