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  • Daulin calls for Iolaus to explain why Hercules has gone to see Poena.
  • Jarton's ghost tells them that Ares killed Memnos, not Daulin.
  • She accuses Daulin of stealing her dead soldiers.
  • Iolaus slips away from Daulin's castle looking for Poena's camp.
  • Daulin accepts this but still plans an attack on Poena's camp that night.
  • Hercules and Iolaus arrive at the castle and Daulin, Memnos'son, greets them.
  • Hercules goes to talk with Poena; she tells him that Daulin killed the king using poison.
  • "My whole family talked about his future, " said Daulin Guzman, 18, a friend.
  • Jarton returns to camp and tells Poena that Hercules was a spy for Daulin and they need to attack immediately.