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  • i love you , zoe ... but it's not your decision .
    愛してる ゾーイ でも君の決断じゃない
  • well , you both have a big decision to make today .
    お二人は今日、大事な 決断をするのよ
  • we've come to a decision the katra must be removed .
    決定しました カトラを取り除きます
  • maybe we make one small decision about our lives
  • this council's decision is unanimous and final .
    諮問会の決定は 一致した最終的なものです
  • but yoshimi rebelled against tomiko ' s decision .
  • i'll figure it out . you've made the right decision .
    現場で会おう アンタは正解だぜ!
  • if you keep hitting the default button per decision
  • thanks for making a difficult decision , kong shim .
    つらい決断を ありがとう コンシム
  • talk to me about your decision , dr . abdi
  • i know it was a hard decision to make . thank you .
    つらい決断を ありがとう コンシム
  • do you have a problem with my decision , kunzite ?
    私の考えに 何か不服か? クンツァイト
  • as you suggested , my decision has already been made .
    君が言った通り もう決断したよ
  • and right now the fda is trying to make a final decision
    現在 fda はこのサケを
  • and so , i actually made a kind of curious decision .
  • one different decision , no matter how big or small
    ひとつの決定が... 大小に関係なく
  • if it wasn't you , was it president kaga's decision ?
    とすれば 加賀社長の判断ですかね
  • you will not regret your decision to choose me .
    私を選択されたことを 後悔されないでしょう
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3