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  • and so deftly were they sped that when the shooting was done
  • yes , but not very deftly , not as if it was his dominant arm .
    だが手際が悪すぎる 利き腕とは思えない
  • if you'd come earlier ... you would have seen me deftly separate this seljuk's head from his body .
    もし早く来てくれたなら... セルジュークの頭を 切り落とすのを見れただろう
  • for example , on the butsu nehan-zu (painting of buddha nirvana ) of kongobu-ji temple in mt . koya in the late heian period , and on kinkan shutsugenzu (rising from the gold coffin ) owned by tokyo national museum , delicate patterns are drawn using the kirikane technique deftly .
  • after sitting the imae position (the correct seating position for the host when performing tea ceremony ), the host purifies chaki (tea utensils ) and a chashaku (bamboo tea spoon for making japanese tea ) deftly with fukusa (small cloth for wiping tea utensils ) and after that , additionally purifies a hishaku .