简体版 繁體版 English 한국어
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  • i curse thee into the depths of the bottomless pit !
    我、底なしの穴へ 汝に呪いをかける
  • i had to crawl through the depths of tartarus itself .
  • in the depths of a very severe economic recession
    私が思うには 非常に厳しい景気後退の深みで
  • tell them about the depths of the language .
    これ...日本語を 教えたことになるんだよ~。
  • trap , activate ! the scorching depths ! volca abyss !
    トラップ発動! ヴォルカアビス!
  • i curse thee into the depths of the bottomless pit !
    底なしの穴へ 汝に呪いをかける
  • in sleep , in confusion , in the depths of shame .
  • there are no words for the depths of loneliness i reached
  • i gracefully spiral down into the dark city depths
    願いのちの螺旋に 舞い降りてく
  • they live in the depths of the congolese jungle
  • popular culture plumbs new depths of dumbth
    大衆文化は どんどん 下らなくなっているし
  • my consciousness is still drawn into the depths of slumber .
    だが まだ わらわの意識は
  • have different depths so you can divide them up
    それぞれ違うから その深さで 文字を振り分けていけば
  • that he knew the depths of his own soul .
  • the only thing that shines in the dark depths of the ocean .
    暗く 深い 海の底にあって➡
  • this was because in the depths of my heart
    《お前の心の奥底には 悪が潜んでおる。➡
  • and way down in the microscopic depths of space itself
  • can cause them just to plummet to the depths of despair .
  • heidi came back from the depths of hell !
    ハイジが 地獄の底から よみがえった~!!
  • justice from above or depths of eternity
    「始終吹きまくられているんだと いうことを」
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3