- on the crime front , the police of 9 western states , from washington in the north to colorado and utah in the east , have been alerted to keep a continue search for kansas desperado , emmet myers .
次は事件のニュースです ワシントン州以南... コロラド ユタにかけての 西部各州の警察は... - he garnered attention in one bound as a promising young director by his fifth film " dokuritsu gurentai " (desperado outpost ), which incorporated the elements of cowboy pictures and mysteries into a scene of mainland china during the middle of the sino-japanese war , and since then , he directed pictures with a wide range of genres such as: " westward desperado (undefined )/ westward independent gangsters (literal title )" (1960 ), " the elegant life of mr . everyman " (international: english title ) (1963 ), " aa bakudan " (1964 ), " samurai assassin " (1965 ), " japan ' s longest day " (1967 ), and " human bullet " (1968 ).
岡本のオリジナルシナリオによる、日中戦争最中の中国大陸に西部劇や推理劇の要素を取り入れた5作目『独立愚連隊』(1959年)で、一躍若手監督の有望格として注目を浴び、以降、『独立愚連隊西へ』(1960年)、『江分利満氏の優雅な生活』(1963年)、『ああ爆弾』(1964年)、『侍 (映画)』(1965年)、『日本のいちばん長い日』(1967年)、『肉弾 (映画)』(1968年)など、幅広い分野の作品を監督。