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  • Also, a devoicing diacritic may be added to the approximant.
  • Voiced stops are devoiced in syllable-final position without exception.
  • Another general feature of Yanesha'is devoicing in certain contexts.
  • In terminal devoicing causes the pronunciation / t / in all cases.
  • Voiced obstruents, or at least voiced stops, devoice in pausa.
  • Irish dialects and Manx also have devoiced unaspirated consonants in certain environments.
  • English and French generally state that final consonants don't devoice.
  • The spelling indicates the devoiced distinctly from the unaffected in the spelling -.
  • In downriver dialects, utterance-final syllables may be devoiced or whispered.
  • They are often devoiced when they occur at the end of a word.
  • Final consonant devoicing was also highest in bilingual children.
  • Now the section says there is still devoicing to some extent in English.
  • Latvian does not feature final-obstruent devoicing.
  • At the end of a word, non-high pitched vowels are devoiced.
  • Partial to full devoicing of the sonorant is probably the norm for most speakers.
  • Most varieties of English don't have full devoicing of final voiced obstruents.
  • Final devoicing has become systematic in modern Dutch.
  • Final post-tonic were devoiced and were lost during the formation of Catalan.
  • The partially devoiced alveolar trill occurred only once.
  • Final consonant devoicing occurs in the standard Central Javanese dialect, but not in Banyumasan.
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