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  • well we do not intend to dissolve this once
    さて 私たちは今回一回で解散するつもりはありません
  • it becomes colorless when you dissolve it in water .
    水に溶かすと 無色透明になるんです
  • the time has come to dissolve the imf . mr . chairman .
  • the time has come to dissolve the imf . mr . chairman .
  • will be less and less each time you dissolve it .
  • in helping to dissolve some of the stereotypical views
  • but you can't dissolve special adoption .
    結婚は離婚できるけど 特別養子縁組は離縁できないよ
  • and a red sea of death that can dissolve digimon themselves .
  • dissolve flour and eggs in water or dashi broth soup .
  • i think you're trying to dissolve something else .
    別のものを 消そうとしています
  • 'it didn't dissolve , didn't float off , didn't move .
  • you're just gonna have to let the adhesive dissolve .
  • and then they'll dissolve away over time .
    時が経つにつれ 生体内に吸収されるものです
  • that material's actually going to start to dissolve .
    ある時点で炭酸カルシウムの 融解が始まります
  • we tried burning it , we tried to dissolve it in acid ...
    燃やしてみたり 酸で溶かそうと...
  • that doesn't dissolve in water once it's dry .
  • you will dissolve completely if you fall into the swamp .
    ヘヘヘ...。 このように沼に落ちれば➡
  • because of the chemicals you use to dissolve human bodies .
    化学薬品で 死体を消滅させるからです
  • do you want to know how to dissolve the curse ?
    とる方法 知りたくないか?
  • it will however dissolve metal , rock , glass , ceramic .
    しかし鉄や― 岩 ガラス タイルは溶かす
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3