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  • certainly , if you hit with a dumbbell from behind ...
    ≪確かに 後ろからダンベルで殴れば
  • well , at least i worked out for an hour with the dumbbell .
  • who does that ? what was he , a dumbbell ?
    君の相棒は よほどのマヌケか?
  • the blood sticking to that dumbbell isn't showing any response to poison
  • they found the gun in the river tied to a dumbbell and a towel .
  • if that's the case , then what's this bloodstain on the dumbbell about ?
    だったら この鉄アレイの血痕は どうなるんすか?
  • the blood from the dumbbell on which asanosan fell and hit his head ...
    浅野さんが倒れた時 頭をぶつけた 鉄アレイの血液からは
  • then why didn't the bloodstains on the dumbbell show any response to poison ?
    だったらどうして 鉄アレイに付着した血痕からは
  • it's a white dumbbell .
    うん? 白いアレイです。