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  • this is an example in our tril clinic in ireland
    これはアイルランドのトリル クリニックです
  • the following is an example of daytime platform usage:
  • for example , google announced last year
    たとえばGoogleは 去年フランス国内のすべての番地を
  • for example , even our videos are not just videos .
  • rarely hear about cyber hedonism , for example
    サイバーヘドニズムについては あまり聞きません
  • it's even happening in africa , like , for example
  • so this is just an example of what can happen
    共通の目標に向かって コミュニティが団結すると
  • i use jackson pollock on purpose as an example
    わざとポーロックの例を挙げたのですが それは
  • for example , here's a leg: the clear part is stiff
    例えばこの脚では 透明の部分は硬く
  • and by looking at the patterns , for example , in our blood
  • wanting to eliminate someone you hate , for example .
  • and better personalize and make effective , for example
    個別化された より効能の高い
  • like for example , a letter from the queen dowager ?
  • this one that appeared in science last year , for example
    たとえばこれは 去年の
  • for example , in 1960 they were both very likely
    例えば 1960年なら 2人とも同じように
  • have the genes for it . foxp2 , for example .
  • we need to learn , for example , from dr . cushing
    例えば クッシング博士から学ぶべきです
  • for example , the incident that occurred in 1968 ...
    例えば 昭和43年に起きた...
  • savor the taste of this shining example of despair !
    味わうがいい この珠玉の絶望を。
  • which is the glorious example of birds that flock together
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3