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  • breast rings ... exceedingly ok . to die it !
    乳輪... 超でけえ。 どうでもいい! 死ぬほど!
  • breast rings ... exceedingly ok . to die it !
    乳輪... 超でけえ。 どうでもいい! 死ぬほど!
  • highly skeptical and exceedingly talented researchers
  • we've learned that you have exceedingly thorough coverage .
  • he has exceedingly high potential , but lacks assertiveness .
    虽然潜在能力极高 但缺乏积极性
  • valerie's pregnancy is exceedingly risky .
    もっと早く私の所へ 来てくれていたら
  • exceedingly virtuous , exceedingly important
    恐ろしく高潔で 恐ろしく重大で
  • exceedingly virtuous , exceedingly important
    恐ろしく高潔で 恐ろしく重大で
  • exceedingly virtuous , exceedingly important
    恐ろしく高潔で 恐ろしく重大で
  • it's exceedingly well used ...it seems .
    やたら使い込まれてる... ような。
  • in fact , he appeared to be exceedingly dull .
    実際は鈍い面も あった
  • he has exceedingly high potential , but lacks assertiveness .
    潜在能力は極めて高いが 積極性に欠ける
  • it's exceedingly likely that my greatest success is behind me .
    今後 代表作を書ける見込みは低いんです
  • it's exceedingly rare for a child to be born to one of the big three .
  • studies like this are exceedingly rare .
  • but it's an exceedingly gray zone .
    ごめんなさい。私は ただ...。
  • for his hair is exceedingly red ;
    だって 彼の髪はとっても赤いんだもの
  • and found them exceedingly nice .
  • and it's exceedingly likely that anything i write from this point forward
    今から先 書き上げるものは間違いなく―
  • may sound exceedingly gloomy
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3