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  • a mist ...? you mean you'll exhale the poison ?
    霧というと... 口から 噴射してくるやつだな。
  • hold it in your chest , then exhale all at once !
    それを胸のあたりに いったん ためて...➡
  • stromatolites were the first to exhale oxygen .
  • we exhale carbon dioxide , so does mycelium .
    ヒト同様 菌糸体も 二酸化炭素を放出し
  • hold it in then exhale it out all at once .
    いったん ためて 一気に吐き出す!
  • when you exhale your breath , it goes in the exhale counterlung:
  • when you exhale your breath , it goes in the exhale counterlung:
  • alright exhale . keep breathing .
    はい 息 吐いて。 息 止めるな。
  • remember to exhale on the way up . otherwise exploding lungs . ok .
    忘れるな 昇りながら息を吐け でないと肺が破裂する
  • when you exhale your breath
  • it is said to exhale from the ' tanden ' (a point in the lower abdomen ).
  • meaningless words ... you say , as you exhale to slow down the breath .
    無意味な言葉... 息をゆっくり吐いて 呼吸を遅くする
  • even if i can exhale , eat it
    吐け 吐いてでも食え
  • and helps you to exhale .
  • and exhale the stress .
    一気に吐いて 脱力。 はあ~!
  • inhale , and then exhale .
    息を吸って 吐いて
  • inhale quietly ... exhale and say the words until the breath is gone .
    静かに吸い込む... 息を吐きながら 呼吸が切れるまで言葉を言って
  • inhale quietly ... exhale and say the words until the breath is gone .
    静かに吸い込む... 息を吐きながら 呼吸が切れるまで言葉を言って
  • and as you exhale , find your natural respiratory pause and the space between heartbeats .
    息を吐くときと 鼓動の合間に 全てが止まる瞬間がある
  • inhale air through the mouth and exhale through the nose to check the aroma (retronasal aroma ).
  • もっと例文:  1  2