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  • and i promise i will explain everything later , okay ?
  • but let me try to explain it , maybe simplify it .
    簡単化して ひとつ説明してみましょう
  • as you get older , things get harder to explain
    年取ると すんなり説明 できないこともあんの
  • why don't you just call her back and explain it to her ?
  • sensei , could you please explain what happened ?
    先生何があったか 説明していただけますか
  • i don't understand , please explain it to me .
    そんなんじゃ全然わかんない ちゃんと説明して。
  • you'll understand ,if you just let me explain .
  • then how do you explain the whole green arrow thing ?
  • we can't even explain that we're on their side .
    俺達が味方だって 説明もできないんだぞ。
  • anyway , the ob will explain everything next week .
    ともかく 来週 産科で説明を受けるの
  • i'll explain more when i see you . can you meet me ?
    会えたら詳しく説明するわ 会える?
  • al gore will walk you through and explain the photos .
  • then explain it , and try really hard .
    そうだ、説明できる - じゃ、説明しろよ よくわかるようにね
  • sweetheart , this isn't going to be easy to explain ...
    ねえ 話しにくい事なんだけど
  • to explain why we must invade a foreign country
    外国に侵攻すべき理由や 投資銀行を税金で ―
  • how else could you explain what happened back there ?
  • how do you explain when things don't go as we assume ?
  • then why didn't you explain it before ?!
    どうなんすかね...。 俺 何の説明も受けてねえ...!
  • there is only one way to explain everything .
    ただ すべてを解き明かす方法が 1つだけあります
  • i think you still need to explain it properly . huh ?
    私が ちゃんと説明する。 え?
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3